We all know the pressures the NHS is under, and you might question what is the NHS doing when you read the news headlines – but the NHS are working along side many trusted providers to deliver preventative services to help reduce hospital admissions.
One of these services is being delivered right here in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin by Fit4All.
Getting up off the fall safely workshops are being delivered all over the region funded by Energize Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and in partnership with NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, Integrated Care System and delivered by Fit4All.
Workshops started 6 weeks ago and already have been delivered to 700 people who are at risk of falling across the region. Last week saw the real impact of these workshops after director, Jude Bailey received a letter from one participant.
John, aged 79 from Trench, Telford wrote to Fit4All after he had a fall at home saying how he “remember the procedure when I attended a demo on falling and how to get up safely…” John went to to close his letter “… big thank you for the demo”.
Jude Bailey, director at Fit4All commented “This is what it is all about! Although, we do not want anyone to fall, this is exactly what it is all about, the workshop helped John to get up safely, not impact on his quality of life and also in turn reduced an ambulance call out”. Jude continued “Fit4All is all about prevention, how can we prevent people from falling, but also educating people at risk of falling, their families and carers to make sure if they have an accident they can get back on their feet safely”.
Alongside these workshops Fit4All have been delivering the Telford and Wrekin community preventing falls through exercise classes since 2014, and more recent introduction to preventing falls through movement training for the regions care workers.
For further information about Fit4Alls services can be found online at fit4all.org.uk